Molecule of the Month: Dynein
The motor protein dynein transports cellular cargo along microtubules

AAA+ Job
Nanoscale Winch

Making the Connection
Exploring the Structure
Dynein (PDB entry 3vkh)

Dynein binds to four ATP molecules, but only one is involved in the power stroke, shown here at the top in white. The other three sites (shown in gray) are thought to play a regulatory role. To explore this structure in more detail, click on the image for an interactive JSmol.
Topics for Further Discussion
- Many AAA+ proteins are composed of a ring of identical subunits, but dynein has all these subunits connected into one chain. You can compare, for instance, the structure of HslUV (a bacterial AAA+ protease) in PDB entry 1yyf.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Molecular Motors
- 3vkh: T. Kon, T. Oyama, R. Shimo-Kon, K. Imamula, T. Shima, K. Sutoh & G. Kurisu (2012) The 2.8 A crystal structure of the dynein motor domain. Nature 484, 345-350.
- 3j1t: W. B. Redwine, R. Hernandez-Lopez, S. Zou, J. Huang, S. L. Reck-Peterson & A. E. Leschziner (2012) Structural basis for microtubule binding and release by dynein. Science 337, 1532-1536.
- J. Lin, K. Okada, M. Raytchev, M. C. Smith & D. Nicastro (2014) Structural mechanism of the dynein power stroke. Nature Cell Biology 16, 479-485.
August 2014, David Goodsell