Molecule of the Month: Initiation Factor eIF4E
Initiation factors for protein synthesis interact through disordered chains.

Conditional Disorder
Cancer Connection

Initiation Interactions
Exploring the Structure
Initiation Factor eIF4E and mRNA Cap

PDB entry 1wkw includes the tip of a messenger RNA, including one nucleotide and the cap. In the cap, a guanine is attached backwards from the normal chain direction, and includes an extra methyl group. The structure also includes a short segment of a 4E binding protein, including the hydrophobic stretch that is specifically recognized by eIF4E. To explore this structure in more detail, click on the image for an interactive JSmol.
Topics for Further Discussion
- You can explore the structures of many other initiation factors by searching in the main RCSB site for “translation initiation factor”. Try looking for others that have disordered tails.
- If you’d like to see a longer piece of RNA with a cap, look at PDB entry 6c6k.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Protein Synthesis
- Browse Cancer
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- 1ejh, 1ej4: Marcotrigiano, J., Gingras, A.C., Sonenberg, N., Burley, S.K. (1999) Cap-dependent translation initiation in eukaryotes is regulated by a molecular mimic of eIF4G. Mol.Cell 3: 707-716
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February 2019, David Goodsell