Understanding PDB Validation: Which experimental structures should I rely on?
Webinar hosted by RCSB PDB/Rutgers Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine | May 14, 2024
Learn about primary PDB structure quality metrics, including those in the validation slider graphic; how PDB structure quality varies across the archive; and identify good structure(s) for research from RCSB.org.
After watching the videos featured in this course, you will be able to:
- Be able to interpret the primary PDB structure quality metrics
- Understand how PDB structure quality varies across the archive
- Know how to identify quality structure(s) for research from RCSB.org
Additional materials for this course are available:
Click on the image below to play the video.

Protein Data Bank (PDB) and quality variation of structures
Stephen K. Burley
Director, RCSB PDB

Understanding PDB Validation: Which experimental structures should I rely on?
Chenghua Shao
Scientific Software Developer/KPI Evaluator, RCSB PDB/Rutgers
In this video:
- 5:38
wwPDB Validation Overview
- 13:22
wwPDB Validation of chemical geometry for PDB structures determined by all methods
- 17:08
wwPDB Validation of macromolecular crystallography (MX) structures
- 23:27
Validation of 3D electron microscopy (3DEM) structures
- 29:41
RCSB.org access to validation reports and quality review in 3D
- 31:44
RCSB.org structure confidence review in 3D
- 33:53
RCSB.org interactive ligand quality review
- 43:47