Molecule of the Month: cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase (PKA)
PKA delivers cellular signals by adding phosphates to proteins

Adding Phosphates
Second Messengers
Regulating Kinase

Stopping the Signal
Exploring the Structure
cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase (PDB entries 1j3h, 2cpk, 1atp, 1jlu and 1bx6)

he catalytic subunit of PKA is very flexible, opening and closing during its phosphate-adding reaction. Like many enzymes that use ATP, the active site is buried deep inside the enzyme, and several metal ions are used to position ATP in the proper place. Crystallographers have determined the structure of many steps in this reaction. To explore some of these structures, click on the image for an interactive Jmol that shows PDB entries 1j3h , 2cpk , 1atp , 1jlu and 1bx6 .
Topics for Further Discussion
- To look at the interactions that hold ATP and similar molecules in the active site of PKA, try viewing 1atp in Mol*, and click on the ATP molecule.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Enzymes
- Browse Cellular Signaling
- D. A. Johnson, P. Akamine, E. Radzio-Andzelm, Madhusudan & S. S. Taylor (2001)
- Dynamics of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Chemical Reviews 101, 2243-2270.
- S. S. Taylor, C. Kim, D. Vigil, N. M. Haste, J. Yang, J. Wu & G. S. Anand (2005) Dynamics
- of signaling by PKA. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1754, 25-37.
- S. H. Francis, M. A. Blount & J. D. Corbin (2011) Mammalian cyclic nucleotide
- phosphodiesterases: molecular mechanisms and physiological functions.
- Physiological Reviews 91. 651-690.
- S. S. Taylor, R. Ilouz, P. Zhang and A. P. Kornev (2012) Assembly of
- allosteric macromolecular switches: lessons from PKA. Nature Reviews
- Molecular and Cellular Biology 13, 646-658.
August 2012, David Goodsell