Molecule of the Month: Insulin Receptor
The cellular receptor for insulin helps control the utilization of glucose by cells

Signal Transduction
When Things Go Wrong

Insulin Binding
Exploring the Structure
Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (PDB entries 1irk and 1ir3)

The tyrosine kinase portion of the receptor is itself a dynamic protein with many moving parts. The active site binds to ATP and uses it to phosphorylate its targets. In the inactive state (shown on the left, PDB entry 1irk ), a mobile loop (in bright turquoise) binds in the active site, blocking its action. When the receptor is activated, several tyrosines (green) on this loop are phosphorylated, causing it to swing out of the active site, allowing ATP (magenta) to enter (shown on the right, PDB entry 1ir3 ). Other signaling proteins (a small peptide from one is shown in pink) then bind and are phosphorylated on their tyrosine amino acids. To explore these two structures in more detail, click on the image for an interactive JSmol.
Topics for Further Discussion
- You can use the Group Sequence view for insulin receptor at the RCSB PDB to determine which portion of the receptor is included in each PDB entry.
- Several of the structures of the insulin-binding portion of the molecule, including entry 3loh, were determined by attaching antibodies to the receptor and crystallizing the complex. When you visualize these structures, be sure to ignore the antibodies, since they are not involved with the biological function of the molecule.
- There are many excellent online resources to learn about diabetes, such as the World Health Organization.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Cellular Signaling
- Browse Diabetes
- 2mfr: Q. Li, Y. L. Wong & C. Kang (2014) Solution structure of the transmembrane domain of the insulin receptor in detergent micelles. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1838, 1313-1321.
- S. R. Hubbard (2013) The insulin receptor: both a prototypical and atypical receptor tyrosine kinase. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 5:a008946, 1-12.
- 3w14: J. G. Menting, J. Whittaker, M. B. Margetts, L. J. Whittaker, G. K. W. Kong, B. J. Smith, C. J. Watson, L. Zakova, E. Kletvikova, J. Jiracek, S. J. Chan, D. F. Steiner, G. G. Dodson, A. M. Brzozowski, M. A. Weiss, C. W. Ward & M. C. Lawrence (2013) How insulin engages its primary binding site on the insulin receptor. Nature 493, 241-245.
- C. W. Ward, J. G. Menting & M. C. Lawrence (2013) The insulin receptor changes conformation in unforeseen ways on ligand binding: sharpening the picture of insulin receptor activation. Bioessays 35, 945-954.
- K. D. Copps & M. F. White (2012) Regulation of insulin sensitivity by serine/threonine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate proteins IRS1 and IRS2. Diabetologia 55, 2565-2582.
- C. W. Ward & M. C. Lawrence (2011) Landmarks in insulin research. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2:76, 1-11.
- 3loh: B. J. Smith, K. Huang, G. Kong, S. J. Chan, S. Nakagawa, J. G. Menting, S. Q. Hu, J. Whittaker, D. F. Steiner, P. G. Katsoyannis, C. W. Ward, M. A. Weiss & M. C. Lawrence (2010) Structural resolution of a tandem hormone-binding element in the insulin receptor and its implications for the design of peptide agonists. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 107, 6771-6776.
- 1ir3: S. R. Hubbard (1997) Crystal structure of the activated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with peptide substrate and ATP analog. EMBO Journal 16, 5572-5581.
- 1irk: S. R. Hubbard, L. Wei, L. Ellis & W. A. Hendrickson (1994) Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the human insulin receptor. Nature 372, 746-754.
February 2015, David Goodsell