Molecule of the Month: Adenine Riboswitch in Action
XFEL serial crystallography reveals what happens when adenine binds to a riboswitch

Free Electron Lasers

Dynamic Crystals
Exploring the Structure
Adenine Riboswitch

In this XFEL study, a structure was also captured 10 seconds after addition of adenine, revealing an intermediate state with adenine in the binding pocket, but before the stem and latch regions had a chance to rearrange into the stable bound conformation (PDB entry 5swd). You can explore all of these structures in the interactive JSMol using the button above the image.
Topics for Further Discussion
- XFEL is a new technique, but there are already many structures in the PDB archive determined with the method. Try searching for “XFEL” to see some of them.
- Structures of dozens of different types of riboswitches have been determined—search for “riboswitch” to see them.
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- CP Jones & AR Ferré-D’Amaré (2017) Long-range interactions in riboswitch control of gene expression. Annual Review of Biophysics 46, 455-481.
- 5e54, 5swd, 5swe. JR Stagno, Y Liu, YR Bhandari, CE Conrad, S Panja, M Swain, L Fan, G Nelson, C Li, DR Wendel, TA White, JD Coe, MO Wiedorn, J Knoska, D Oberthuer, RA Tuckey, P Yu, M Dyba, SG Tarasov, U Weierstall, TD Grant, CD Schwieters, J Zhang, AR Ferré-D’Amaré, P Fromme, DE Draper, M Liang, MS Hunter, S Boutet, K Tan, X Zuo, X Ji, A Barty, NA Zatsepin, H N Chapman, JCH Spence, SA Woodson & YX Wang (2017) Structures of riboswitch RNA reaction states by mix-and-inject XFEL serial crystallography. Nature 541, 242-246.
June 2017, David Goodsell