Molecule of the Month: Glucocorticoid Receptor and Dexamethasone
An anti-inflammatory drug has given us a new way to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fight Against COVID-19
Receptor on the Move
Too Much Inflammation

DEX Dosing: It’s Complicated
Exploring the Structure
Two Ligands, One Receptor

Two structures capture the ligand-binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor bound to dexamethasone (left; PDB 1m2z) and cortisol (right; PDB 4p6x). These ligands are very similar in structure and bind in the same pocket in the glucocorticoid receptor. The ligands are shown in space-filling atomic coloring and the glucocorticoid receptor shown in a green ribbon model. To explore these structures further, click on the interactive JSmol tab.
Topics for Further Discussion
- See the Molecule of the Month on Interferons for an example of a cytokine that is produced in response to viral infection.
- To learn more about the structural biology of coronaviruses, check out these PDB-101 coronavirus resources.
- To learn more about recommended medication guidelines for treatment of COVID-19, visit the NIH Treatment Guidelines. You can also visit the PDB-101 COVID-19 in Molecular Detail Curriculum Modules.
- To learn more about other nuclear receptors like the glucocorticoid receptor, check out the Molecule of the Month on estrogen receptor and vitamin D receptor.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Coronavirus
- Browse Viruses
- Browse Drug Action
- Browse Cellular Signaling
- 6xk0: Shabalin, I.G., Czub, M.P., Majorek, K.A., Brzezinski, D., Grabowski, M., Cooper, D.R., Panasiuk, M., Chruszcz, M., Minor, W. (2020) Molecular determinants of vascular transport of dexamethasone in COVID-19 therapy. IUCrJ 7: 1048-1058.
- 4p6x: He, Y., Yi, W., Suino-Powell, K., Zhou, X.E., Tolbert, W.D., Tang, X., Yang, J., Yang, H., Shi, J., Hou, L., Jiang, H., Melcher, L., Xu, H.E. (2014) Structures and mechanism for the design of highly potent glucocorticoids. Cell Res. 24: 713-726.
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- Bledsoe, R.B., Montana, V.G., Stanley, T.B., Delves, C.J., Apolito, C. J., Mckee, D.D., Consler, T.G., Parks, D.J., Stewart, E.L., Wilson, T.M., Lambert, M.H., Moore, J.T., Pearce, K.H., Xu, H.E. (2002) Cell 110: 93-105.
- He, Y., Yi, W., Suino-Powell, K., Zhou, X.E., Tolbert, W.D., Tang, X., Yang, J., Yang, H., Shi, J., Hou, L., Jiang, H., Melcher, L., Xu, H.E. (2014) Structures and mechanism for the design of highly potent glucocorticoids. Cell Res. 24: 713-726.
- Luisi, B.F., Xu, W.X., Otwinoswki, Z., Freedman, L.P., Yamamoto, K.R., Sigler, P.B. (1991) Crystallographic analysis of the interaction of the glucocorticoid receptor with DNA. Nature 352: 497-505.
- Shabalin, I.G., Czub, M.P., Majorek, K.A., Brzezinski, D., Grabowski, M., Cooper, D.R., Panasiuk, M., Chruszcz, M., Minor, W. (2020) Molecular determinants of vascular transport of dexamethasone in COVID-19 therapy. IUCrJ 7: 1048-1058.
June 2021, Jenna Abyad, Tanvi Banota, Zachary Fritz, Alexandria Lo, David Goodsell, and Stephen Burley