About Irina Bezsonova

Irina Bezsonova is a structural biologist interested in protein homeostasis and an amateur artist. She received her undergraduate degree in Biology from Moscow State University in Russia, and a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Toronto in Canada. She is currently an Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Connecticut and holds the title of Town Artist in the town of Farmington, Connecticut.
For more, see the Bezsonova Lab at UCONN Health and follow her on Twitter @IrinaBezsonova.
Irina Bezsonova particpated in the Inktober challenge in 2022 and 2023. This gallery contains the images that she drew in response to the daily Inktober prompts.
Irina Bezsonova drew the self-portrait shown here as response to October 31, 2022 prompt “CHALLENGE” summarizing the endeavor “The challenge was risky and hard but I’m glad I stuck to it. I learned a lot both about ink and about science.”
Learn more about the 2022 challenge in the Winter 2022 Education Corner
About Inktober
Inktober is a worldwide ink drawing challenge that takes place in the month of October. It was created in 2009 as a daily exercise for artists to improve their inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. The challenge is to follow a list of 31 drawing prompts, one for every day of October and share your work on social media. Anyone can do it; thousands of participants produce millions of works of art every year.

CHALLENGE, October 31, 2022