Molecule of the Month: Adenylyl Cyclase
Adenylyl cyclase creates second messengers to amplify signals from G-protein coupled receptors

Signaling Complex
Second Messengers

Activating Ion Channels
Exploring the Structure
Adenylyl Cyclase and G-protein

Many of the early structures of adenylyl cyclase were determined using only the catalytic domain, given that membrane proteins are so difficult to crystallize. This structure (PDB ID 1cjk) shows how a key alpha helix in the activated G-protein binds to a pocket on the side of adenylyl cyclase. The catalytic domain is composed of two similar halves, with two similar neighboring pockets. One pocket binds to ATP and performs the cyclization reaction--in this structure, a modified, uncleavable form of ATP is bound in this pocket. The other pocket is thought to be regulatory, and has the plant stimulatory protein forskolin bound in it. To explore this structure in more detail, click on the image for an interactive Jsmol.
Topics for Further Discussion
- Try searching for "cAMP" at the main RCSB PDB site to see structures of many of the proteins that are regulated by cAMP.
- You can explore the structure of cyclic AMP in the Chemical Component Library for CMP.
Related PDB-101 Resources
- Browse Cellular Signaling
- Browse Nobel Prizes and PDB structures
- 6r3q: Qi, C., Sorrentino, S., Medalia, O., Korkhov, V.M. (2019) The structure of a membrane adenylyl cyclase bound to an activated stimulatory G protein. Science 364: 389-394
- Halls, M. L., Cooper, D. M. F. (2017) Adenylyl cyclase signalling complexes - pharmacological challenges and opportunities. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 172, 171-180.
- 5u6p: Lee, C.H., MacKinnon, R. (2017) Structures of the Human HCN1 Hyperpolarization-Activated Channel. Cell 168: 111-120.e11
- 4clk: Kleinboelting, S., Diaz, A., Moniot, S., Van Den Heuvel, J., Weyand, M., Levin, L.R., Buck, J., Steegborn, C. (2014) Crystal Structures of Human Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase Reveal Mechanisms of Catalysis and of its Activation Through Bicarbonate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111: 3727
- 1cjk: Tesmer, J.J., Sunahara, R.K., Johnson, R.A., Gosselin, G., Gilman, A.G., Sprang, S.R. (1999) Two-metal-Ion catalysis in adenylyl cyclase. Science 285: 756-760
November 2020, David Goodsell